You Can’t Handle the Mind Muscle Academy

 In Bodybuilding, Non-member

mind muscle academy, justin woltering

The Mind Muscle Academy isn’t for everyone and I don’t want it to be. We – the members of the Academy – don’t want it to be.

Here, I’ll explain in a little more detail.

Soft People


If you’re soft and can’t take criticism, this isn’t the place for you. Training like a warrior and getting ripped isn’t easy. It takes discipline and the willingness to learn. If dropping weight to use proper form will hurt your ego, you aren’t cut out to be in the Academy. If you’re willing to watch the videos, follow the workouts and keep your ego in check, then maybe you are ready for the Mind Muscle Academy.



Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight or shed some body fat – it’s not going to be quick and easy. This is no B.S. get fit quick scheme. I’m not promising that you’ll get abs in 30 minutes, because you won’t. If you’re going to quit as soon as you don’t lose 10 lbs in a week or gain 30 lbs in a month, this isn’t the place for you. If you’re willing to bust your ass and commit to your training, then maybe the Mind Muscle Academy is the place for you.

Mentally Weak People


So you’re the tough guy. You don’t let people push you around and you’ve always been pretty strong. Cool. Proud of you. Keep it up big guy, because that doesn’t matter here. These workouts are hard. You’re going to hurt. You will be sore. There will be days that you don’t want to go to the gym because you THINK you’re too tired or too sore. You THINK that you can miss one day here and another day there because you’ve been somewhat consistent. We don’t want people like that. The Mind Muscle Academy family is here to support you, motivate you and grow with you. If you aren’t willing to work as hard as everyone else, this isn’t the place for you. If you are, we’d love to have you join the family.

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